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A Parody of Dr. Suess

One girl, two girls, 1 boy, soon another.

Not one of them is like the other.

This one likes to play with cars.

This one likes to look at stars.

Say what a lot of children there are!

Some are older and some are new.

Some wear pink and some wear blue.

Sometimes they are sad, but often glad.

Sometimes they are very bad.

Why are they sad and bad and glad?

I don’t know, go ask your dad.

Some are thin and some are fat.

The chubby one doesn’t like to wear a hat.

From there to here,

From here to there,

Funny little ones are everywhere.

Here are some who run for fun.

They run for fun in the hot hot sun.

Oh me, oh my. Oh me, oh my.

What a lot of funny things go by.

We see them come, we see them go.

Some are fast, and some are slow.

Some climb up high. Some stay down low.

Not one of them is like another.

Don’t ask us why, go ask your mother.

Hello there Evan, how do you do?

Tell me, tell me, what is new?

How are things in your little bed?

What is new? Please tell me, I said.

I do not like this bed at all.

Sometimes I stand up and then I fall.

Every time you put me in.

I will yell and make a din.

This one’s name is Rilla Jo.

She likes to stay in when the wind does blow.

She likes to work and she likes to laugh. Sometimes she plays with a stuffed giraffe.

She likes to be funny and she eats real slow.

If your life is dull, you should get a Rilla Jo

It is fun to sing if you sing with Elle.

My Elle can sing and sometimes yell.

I sing high and Elle sings low.

And we don’t sound too bad, you know.

My hat is old, my hair is gold.

I have a chicken I like to hold.

My shoe is off, my foot is cold.

Hop hop hop. We are yops.

All we do is hop hop hop.

We hop on the bed, we hop on the floor,

We hop on mom, then we hop some more.

We hop on the trampoline, we hop late into the night.

From right to left and from left to right.

Why do we like to hop hop hop?

I dont know, go ask your Pop!

Have you ever piled all your toys in one bed?

Have you ever stuck your dad’s shorts on your head?

Did you ever pretend to be a cow?

Well we can do it. We know how.

If you never did, you should!

These things are fun and fun is good.

At our house, we play out back

We play a game called make a stack

Of leaves. So big! We burrow down in.

Then we rake them into a big stack again.

Look what we found in the dirt in the yard

We’ll put him in a pan, we won’t squish him too hard.

He will live in our bathroom on the counter by the sink.

Will our mother like him? No, I don’t think.

And now, goodbye! It is time for a new day.

We have much to do and many things to play.

Yesterday is gone; yesterday was fun.

Tomorrow is another one.

Every day from here to there,

Funny things are everywhere.


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