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Bright Spots in Life

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Some days bright spots are as simple as catching 2 gophers out of one gopher mound.

Tiny springs of alfalfa pushing through on spindly stems, coating the field with green.

Washing the flatbeds and not having to scrub them entirely by hand…

Other days it’s getting out of my 30-mile radius and hauling a load of cows with the hubby. Something about the rumble of the truck and the gentle road motion puts me to sleep easily. A much-needed nap makes all of life look so much brighter.

One day, greenhouse shopping infused joy in my soul as did planting the perennials in my flowerbeds.

Some days it’s an hour-long phone call with family or one of my best friends.

Sometimes it’s a sunrise, spilling pastel shades across the valley. Or a sunset bathing the sky in brilliant hues of gold, mauve, and burnt orange.

Another bright spot is found in my puppy listening to commands and obeying immediately.

A niece writing about me for a character assignment in homeschool, saying she wants to be just like her aunt when she grows up ❤️

A lounge in the sunshine with a fascinating book, soaking up rays.

Early mornings when I take time to sit on the couch with my Bible for a bit of quietness.

Little moments like these that make life so wonderful.


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