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Good Always Wins

It seems to me that the last while, things are different. There’s more depth to conversations than there used to be. An unspoken urgency to talk about the things that matter.

More talk of prayers and answers to prayers.

More focus on Jesus.

An article from a non-religious monthly magazine read something down this line, “We are seeing a return to homesteading across America, back to the earth, connecting with nature. But not only that, we’re seeing a connection back with the Creator.”

I had a conversation awhile ago.. he was concerned about the direction the world is careening. So I quickly reassured him, “The Good always wins.”

A few weeks later, that thought in my head was very tested. Anyone who keeps up with the events in the world that aren’t talked about much, will know what I mean. Is the Good going to win?

And if a person reads through the Biblical prophecy in Revelations of what will happen in the near future before Jesus returns, it does not appear like the good will be winning. Far from it.

In my heart, I wonder, “Do I truly have what it takes? If Jesus asks me to be a martyr and give my very life so I could attain heaven, could I do it?”

The other day someone sent me the link to John Rich’s interview with Tucker Carlson about his latest song, “Revelations”.

It’s impressive, to say the least. Both the interview and the song. The thought that stood out to me the most was, “If the evil side is literally shouting, trying to get people to join…What could I do to be louder about the Good side to persuade folks to turn to God? To help the Good win?

At Albertsons later that day, a young fellow asked me about my head covering.

He looked alittle embarrassed so I didn’t elaborate a lot, but were the few words I said enough to make any difference?

The evil is stronger these days than it’s ever been. I imagine in my mind, Satan’s deathly fear of Jesus coming back and his insatiable desire to take everyone he can with him to hell.

The only way I will make it to heaven is to be completely in tune with Jesus. When the time of the mark of the beast comes, I imagine I’ll have to be very keen to the Spirit to hear when He tells me not to get it.

Yet just because it is darkest right before the dawn doesn’t mean that morning won’t still come. The Son will shine again. The Good will win, (eventually.)

Because The Good always wins.


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