I am thankful for little things. The other day in a writing group, we were given the assignment of writing a list of 100 things to be grateful for.
It took a bit of thought to come up with that many. But once I got to the upper 90’s, even more blessings popped into my head and I could have continued for a good while.
Here is 100 blessings I am so very thankful for:
1.My goofy caring husband
2.A beautiful view of the valley
3.My hyper Buster Bear
4.Warm plush blankets
5.Aloe-Vera infused socks
6.Fabric waiting to be sewed
7.The fact that my bookwork is nearly caught up
8.A wood stove crackling
9.The cheerful mail lady who toots her horn until I race out of the house to receive the packages she brings
10.The ability to cook and try new recipes
11.Friends who text me out of the blue
12.Thank you cards
13.Kind neighbors who invite us for coffee/hot tea while we chat about land rental prices
14.Paychecks that come on time
15.Tall glasses of icy cold water
16.Crepes with cottage cheese and maple syrup
17.Fun evenings with a group of young couples our age
18.A warm smile from a stranger
19.Preparing a baby room…setting up a crib, buying a diaper bag. It’s so exciting, yet surreal.
20.Indoor plumbing
21.A warm shower when I’m chilled
22.A sunny day and piles of tumbleweeds burned
23.Cats that follow me everywhere I go outdoors, even on long walks!
24.Plans for the future
25.My husband’s interest in yard work (if only he had time for it!)
26.A low-key cleaning job
27.Huge downy snowflakes free-falling from curtain of grey
28.Audio books to make the quiet hours pass
29.Cookbook sales
30.Spring cleaning fits
31.Unearthing long lost treasures from boxes buried in the garage
32.A recliner for when I need to put my feet up
33.That pregnancy doesn’t last more than 9 months
35.Uncontrollable laughter
36.Friends that have had babies recently and give me all sorts of advice
37.Answered prayers
38.Borrowed clothes that fit
40.The feeling of satisfaction when you finish posting a tall stack of receipts
41.Sour gummy worms
42.Crunchy Cheetos
43.Christmas presents waiting to be opened and put to use
44.The ability to think and make decisions
45.Cookbooks and magazines to leaf through
46.A 4-wheel-drive pickup to get up our steep snowy drive
47.A devotional book
48.Baby kicks
49.The sound of jake brakes
50.Smoked meat made with love by my man
51.Work to do
53.Spring fever hitting early. (I need to get as much done as I can before May!)
54.The great big beautiful outdoors
56.Lungfuls of fresh crisp air
57.Ambition and the energy to carry it out
58.Good health
59.My laptop
60.Postal packages that get to their destinations on time (When you have one that takes 3 weeks and still hasn’t showed up to its new owners, you really appreciate the ones that get there speedily!)
61.Hot tea
62.A soft pillow
64.The ability to pray
65.A Still Small Voice to keep me on the narrow way
66.God’s Church
67.Homemade jean quilts
68.Hikes in the nearby mountains or my own back pasture
69.Card games to play on the truck
70.Hearing good things said about you behind your back
71.Grapefruit spoons
72.Hot dogs smoked to perfection in the smoker
73.A spare bedroom
74.Cousins that live nearby
75.Little children
76.Window blinds
77.A refrigerator to store leftover food in
78.A late Christmas program all the way from Malawi, Africa!
79.Paint that transforms cupboards, a room, or an entire house
81.Old friends
82.The feeling of “clicking” with a person you’ve never met before
83.Gopher traps
84.Clothes to wear at all stages of life
85.My husband’s jeans that got too small before I had to give in and patch their holes
87.Date nights in the truck with my hubby
88.Sleeping in
90.New recipes that turn out perfectly the first time
92.Experiences in life that teach us lessons
93.Christian schools
94.A Father in heaven
95.Full moons
96.The breathtaking beauty of nature
97.Hearing about good books from trusted sources
98.Fresh home-grown eggs
I challenge you to sit down and ponder all the blessings you’ve been given.
Jot them down, it only takes a few minutes!