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News Alert and Life Update

Baby Nikkel # 3...

PINK or BLUE, what will it be?

We're excited and of course, wishfully dreaming of a boy.. time will tell!

It's been awhile since I have written...

We're still living in our same dear little house on the hill with Buster bear, a few kittens, and 3 "chick-chicks" as Ravielle says. The cows have finished their spring-grazing time on our pasture and are currently elsewhere.

The trucker life sits more in the background right now, with farming and raising babies taking first place.

The days are busy, and fly by at such high-speeds, it's nearly unbelievable.

Ravielle is a little blonde-haired pixie of 2-1/4. Rilla is a round-faced, chubby-cheeked, smiley munchkin of 9 months. They entertain each other quite well. The latest fun is Little sister being pulled in the red wagon by Big sister. Round and round the slab they go, across the gravel and back again. It's a picture I'd like to see forever in my mind.

We just picked the first sweet apricots off our trees last week. I see a few pears and apples coming later.

Ross is trying his hand at growing corn this year; along with the usual hay. He finds a bit of custom hay work and the odd trucking job to fill in the gaps.

All in all, we are happy, healthy, and thankful for all the blessings God gives us!

Take care!

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