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Of Happenstance and Fried Rice

Our paths of life are merging briefly here for a few months. It all started with a bit of happenstance. (Except that I don't believe in happenstance.)

We recently met for lunch, she and I. In a small restaurant that neither of us had ever been to before. The cool dim Oriental atmosphere welcomed us, along with the tantalizing aromas of Pad Thai and Fried Rice.

I had wondered earlier that morning how our meeting would go. We don't know each other at all. What would we talk about?

I needn't have worried. The conversation flowed easily. From babies to her recent trip to Mexico to how God was working in her life.

A dark-haired mama of 4. Living on the outskirts of a large city. With no urging of mine, she shared how she felt God talking to her. She told me of a time when she was driving and her daughter had a panic attack in the back seat. Due to traffic, she was unable to stop and help her over it, so she just prayed that the Holy Spirit would come. And her daughter immediately calmed down.

She told me of marriage troubles. Of how she's detemrined to break the chain of family marriage issues and divorce. Of how important she feels it is to have a date night once a week and keep a marriage strong. "Because when the children are gone, it's all you'll have left."

By the time we had cleaned out the bowl of Chicken Curry, my soul felt revived.

Sometimes God feeds us from a sermon, the Bible, or a song.. and sometimes it happens in a small Thai restaurant over Shrimp Rolls and Peanut Sauce.

Today at my 35-week prenatal appointment, someone asked my Scottish midwife (who has been married for 47 years) what her best marriage advice would be. This is her answer. "The grass is never greener on the other side of the fence. It's greener where you water it. Automatic sprinklers work great and are easy - they run every Thursday night. (Date night.) "


We are eagerly expecting our baby boy to come in January. Still currently nameless. I'm just now reaching that "uncomfortable-get-this-baby-out-of-here stage of pregnancy. That time when people leap out of their chairs to open doors for you and go out of their way to carry heavy packages.

My girls are at a fun age right now where they hold hands in their car seats, play endlessly together, and only occasionally fight like little screaming monkeys.

We went to the Oregon coast for a few days after Thanksgiving. Simply lovely.

After all this talk of weekly date nights, I'm curious how the rest of you do it.. leave me a comment below!

(Especially during the baby years!)

And if you have never tried Thai food, go get some. It's phenomenal.

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