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And here I am, a month later, still paddling to keep my head above water. The water is getting shallower now, though. And I think I see the shoreline. My cookbooks are all sold and shipped so that frees up a very large space in my garage, living room, office, and brain.

The holidays were lovely. Part of them spent up in the woodsy mountains of McCall with Ross's family, surrounded by food and games. One day back at home with my family, an evening with friends, and since then a couple weekends with some fellow trucker friends.

Lately I've been spending a great deal of time at my bookwork. The paperwork comes in nearly as fast as I can enter it. (And let's just say that I got a little behind this summer. A newborn, big yard, and farming are not conducive to much time in life for bookwork.) I'm not complaining though at all. We are well-fed, well-clothed, and not wanting for anything. We found HoseB or should I say, he found us! A real trouper and keeping the truck wheels turning. The only problem so far with having a driver is that Ross is back in his old truck and Ravielle and I rarely get to go along.

This month Ross is taking a bit of time out of the truck and working on numerous truck projects in the shop. Welcome back, grease, greasy dirt, paint, and greasy dirty paint, into my life and washing machine.

Ravielle is fine, if not more so. She is getting very impatient to be on the move, but not quite sure how to actually crawl. She does a lot of rocking back and forth on her hands and knees, scooting backwards and around in circles. She's a silly bear and loves to be tickled, make funny faces, and read books. Her favorite foods this week are pinto beans, avocados, and butter horns. The week before it was yogurt, blackberries, and eggs. Amazing how someone so little can have such sturdy opinions.

Buster is a real honey. He's finally settling down and filling out. He adores his baby and she likewise. He also loves the UPS man, old cow jawbones, dirty diapers, chickens and cats.

In-between the normal work, I've been rethinking my storage and organizational skills around my house. I have come to the conclusion that a lot better use could be made of my spaces so I've been re-organizing, de-cluttering, and cleaning. (Perks of finally staying home off the truck and living in our house more!) One day I ran across an un-opened card from my sister. A real bright spot in my day. Here's a few of the gems I found inside.

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

If at first you succeed, try to hide your astonishment.


Even if you spill jam on your favorite Sunday dress at a wedding, and Junior screams during prayer, REMEMBER:

Worse has happened at sea.

Take care!

PS. As you can tell, one of my childhood friends helped me re-vamp my blog page and get a fresh new fun look to it. With all the changes, I do believe you may have to re-subscribe.

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